Monday, April 20, 2009

Picture Update

April 4 - Madison had her 5th birthday party (her birthday is 3/31). It was High School Musical themed.

me and my awesome boy.

Zander, Marli and Madi

April 5 - our 12 year anniversary. We didn't do anything because my mom was in the hospital. We've been married for 12 years and together for 17. It gets kinda crazy to think you realize you have been with someone for longer than you were without them. :-) I wouldn't have it any other way.

We went to a playgroup birthday party at the Maricopa Steamers park, it's actually very close to my house and I've never been there before.

Cy, Zander and Chloe

Same kids and Stephanie.

We colored eggs and had an egg hunt at Becky's house.

Chase, Sophie and Zander

April 11 - Zander got "Student of the Month" (I think this is a terrible idea for preschoolers. None the less, he got it so we celebrated. He got a reading award the week before and was disappointed that we weren't there. So the teachers told us he was getting Student of the Month and Doug and I left work early to get there.)

Zander running back from getting his medal. Nice tongue! ha

He was SO excited!

I dropped Zander off at my sisters because she was taking the kids to my parents house.

Zander is getting TALL. He is 45 inches and around 47 pounds.

That night we had MVHS class of 93 mini reunion at O'Connors!

Jennifer, Becky and Me

Squishy faces

Jennifer, Becky, Me, Kerri

Me, Kathy, Tricia, Kerri, Jennifer

It was fun. Weird, but fun. We had about 40 people there.

My parents had Zander spend the night so we could go out. They had all the grandkids over for egg coloring.

awww, baby Claire is getting so big!

Zander takes egg coloring very serious and insisted on a paintbrush so my mom got the kids watercolors.

April 6 - Got Zander from my parents. He stayed in his jammies all day, his request. When we came home he colored even more Easter eggs! He loves painting.

The Easter Bunny brought a pail of goodies - no candy! Goodness they get enough candy at school (the had an egg hunt on Friday at school)

Hulk Underoos!, it rained so we did the egg hunt out front in the rocks.

April 9 - Zander had a kindergarten evaluation at charter school choice #3. I like that they do their evaluations in April rather than June like the other schools. Here's how it went:

She took him in the school library while I waited in the lobby, after they were done she showed me the packet she used.
-One page had upper and lower case letters out of order to identify
-She showed him numbers one through 10 to identify
-She had him draw a square, rectangle, triangle and circle, there was an example above where the space where he drew his.
-She had him cut on a straight line with scissors.
-She showed him a picture of some people at a campfire roasting marshmallows and asked him to make up a story about the scene.
-She had him draw a person.

It's funny, the teacher asked Zan for our phone number and he said "I don't have one." lol. But had she asked for my Doug's or my cell phone numbers he would have known both! He doesn't always remember our address but she didn't ask that. She did ask for his name, mom & dad's names, and his birthday and age. Which he knew then she showed me the form to verify.

I was surprised he didn't have to write his name or identifying colors. He got 100% and the "ready for kindergarten" stamp of approval. The front page of the packet had a check off list of things they suggest parents work on with kids that need it. She said "Well, I'll give you this but I can't suggest anything for you to work on with him. He's going to do great, he's the first child to get 100%!" Then she took him and introduced him to the principal because she was so impressed with him!

We more than likely won't end up at this school. The district we live in announced they will have free all day kindergarten so that means the charters won't get bombarded if they had it and the district didn't. He won't get evaluated until June for his school (where I want him to stay) but at least I know he will do well when he does. I actually met the registrar for Zan's school on Saturday at the spring carnival and she said it shouldn't be a problem getting him in. They hope to have enough kindergartners for 4 classes but he should be fine.

I've decided I should stop saying he's starting kindergarten early even though he may be by district standards. The charters have different cut offs because they allow for kids that are ready for kindergarten to start when they are ready, regardless of their age on August 31st(the districts cut offs). I know Zander is totally ready. His teachers say his ready and if he gets evaluated from the school and they say he's ready. HE'S READY. Not starting early, starting on time. I completely feel holding him out of kindergarten would be a waste of time. He would be totally unchallenged if he repeated pre-k.

April 14 - I went and saw Cold at the Clubhouse. It was good. I love that band.

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