Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Lots of Pics! Young's Farm

Sunday 10/30 we went to the very last day of the Young's Farm Pumpkin Festival. There are soooo many good pictures. ;-)

We left at 0700 and got there at 0800 for breakfast (I just realized I was typing in military time, I do that cuz of work) and it was soooo good! Fresh pumkin pancakes, herbed potatos, farm fresh eggs and fresh turkey sausage for the boys! I'm so sad we won't get to enjoy their delicious restaurant again (we have gone a total of 3 times in the past 2 years). Zander liked his pancakes but not the pumpkin and he loved the eggs, toast and sausage.

We were done before 0900 and walked right in the festival with no crowds, yay!

Excited! and he actually sat in the stroller!

Tractor driving!

requisite farm animal picture, love them!

Daddy & Zan

Zan & Mama

Zander loves to 'drive' the tractors and loaders.

This tube was so cool!

We took the hay ride tour of the farm and it was really sad to hear the farmer talk about the farm closing. Politicians basically wanted the land and home or business property is taxed more than farms. So a while a go a law passed taking water away from farms. The farm was losing 25% of it's water to the state and can't continue to do business that way. The farm is moving to Oregon. We've only been to the farm three times but we're really going to miss it. And it's a shame that this resource and these jobs are leaving Arizona. We should be buying locally and supporting locally owned businesses but lawmakers make it hard on them. AZ is losing fresh, locally farmed turkeys (that are not treated with any antibiotics or growth hormone) and locally farmed produce. It's really sad.

The farmer stopped at a patch of remaining sweet corn and we got to get off and pick sweet corn of the stalks and eat it right there. It was wonderful!

Zander & the corn

Zander was super excited to see the grasshoper on the ground.

Zander loves popcorn, and he really loves fresh cheese popcorn!


"More popcorn!"

A picture to show just how early we got there.... we were the only car in the restaurant parking lot when we left but the rest of the place was packed! (that's my parents car, haha)

jeessh, that was a lot of pictures! I'm going to miss Young's Farm.

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