Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Zander updates

Zander's teeth have sprouted! You can see them now and you can definitely feel them - they are sharp! Zander is constantly sticking his tongue out to feel them. Even Uncle Marty and Auntie Colby noticed how much he's been sticking his tongue out lately.

Zander has such a love for music. He started hitting his toy drum last week so we started putting the bongos in front of him and he loves them! He get's excited when he sees them and just loves to jam out on his drums. He can hit with both hands but he usually hits with his right while scratching with his left.

Last night Doug brought home an acoustic bass from the studio. Zander was so excited when Doug showed it to him this morning. Doug put it in Zan's room so Vinnie wouldn't bother it and while I was changing Zander on the bed I let him check out the bass. He loved it! He kept hitting it and then he'd pull on a string and get so excited.

When Doug came home the two of them sat on the floor with their instruments and it was so cute. Doug played the bass and Zander would hit his drums. Then Zander would just sit and watch Doug all fascinated with the music. Then he'd hit the bass or try to pull the string. At one point Doug rolled back and laid on the floor playing the bass, then Zander decided to lay back just like Daddy right next to him.

He's such an amazing person these days. He is so insistent in pulling himself up to stand. And he loves to "walk" if you'll help him. He does a great job of stepping with each foot. Doug thinks he'll skip crawling and go right to walking.

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