Saturday, February 05, 2005

Nursing an (almost) 5 month old...

Nursing a almost 5 month old has it's challenges. He get's so easily distracted a lot of times I have to go to the other room to get him to nurse. He will watch the dog or the tv or the fan or want to talk to whomever is in the room talking. He shoves his hand in his mouth instead of the boob. He pinches my nipple and skin. He doesn't want to lay down, he wants to sit up. He's much stronger so he arches his back and can pull away when he's mad. If he's overtired it's even more of a challenge to get him to nurse. It's like he wants to be in control.

BUT, the things I love about nursing a almost 5 month old:
- staring into those gorgeous blue eyes
- the noises he makes when he's nursing and content
- he grabs onto my finger so tight and doesn't want to let it go
- AND, this is the greatest, he pets me. he rubs his bottom hand on my side, just gentle little pets. he'll move his top hand around on my skin. he also grabs my shirt alot too. it's so very sweet.

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