Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Hypnobirthing classes completed!

We have completed our five weeks of Hypnobirthing classes to prepare us for childbirth! The classes were so informative and inspiring. Going into the classes I really didn't know much about childbirth and now I've learned so much. I'm know Doug has too. To be organized and ready to go I put all of our important handouts in a binder so Doug has everything he needs to read and remember right at hand! :-)

My mom attended all of the classes so she and Doug can be my labor companions. I've learned good forms of breathing, not that wierd panting breathing you see people on TV & movies do. We've learned what relaxes me which is nice.

I've been using a cd we got with the class called "Rainbow Relaxation" I love that thing! It really does the trick! There's also a track on the cd called "Birthing Affirmations" which is nice. Now I have about 16 or so weeks to practice.

We were sad last night when we left the class, me & my mom will miss seing Debbie (our Hypnobirthing educator). It was extra nice because we were the only people in the class so we really got one on one attention. I'll also miss seeing my mom every week for dinner & class.

Thanks so much to my mom for helping us with these classes, we really appreciate it!

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