Wednesday, March 31, 2004

The Baby @ 16 weeks

I get these emails that say "Your 16th week of Pregnancy" (or whatever week it is) and I love them. It's very interesting to know the baby's size and development that week.

Here's this weeks:
Your baby's about the size of an avocado now, but in the next three weeks he'll go through a tremendous growth spurt — doubling his weight and adding inches to his length. In the meantime, he'll be playing with his umbilical cord and practicing breathing by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid through his lungs. You're going through a bit of a growth spurt yourself. Your uterus has expanded so much that the ligaments in your abdomen are stretching to make room for it. If you feel any twinges of pain now, that's why.

How your baby's growing: At 4 1/2 inches long (head to bottom) and 3 1/2 ounces of weight, your baby is about the size of a small fist this week. Some of her more advanced body systems are working now too, including the circulatory system and urinary tract. She's even begun inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid so her lungs will be strong enough at birth to breathe.

How your life is changing:You'll soon be in for one of the most exciting moments of pregnancy — feeling the baby move. Some women notice quickening, as it's called, between 16 and 20 weeks. (Although, if this is your first baby, you may not feel anything for another few weeks or so.) You may feel these first womb wiggles as a rumbling in your stomach. Once you realize it's really the baby doing backflips, note it and tell your healthcare provider at your next visit.

I'm starting to pop out a bit. I wore maternity clothes to the hospital (to see Dani) yesterday and today. They are just more comfy than all my normal clothes that are way too tight now!

I felt little twitches towards the end of my 14th week. I'm pretty sure that was baby twitches. I haven't felt much more since then, although every once in a while I think I feel something but it happens so fast I don't know what it is. Can't wait to start feeling more!

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